Academic Eligibility Requirements

Academic Eligibility Requirements

In order to encourage and promote academic excellence, students in grades 9-12 who participate in extra/cocurricular activities/interscholastic competition shall demonstrate satisfactory minimum progress in meeting the requirements for graduation by undertaking the prescribed course of study and meeting the standards of proficiency established by the District.

(cf. 6146.1 – High School Graduation Requirements)

Any student elected or appointed to a student office, or who represents his/her school in extra/cocurricular activities/interscholastic competition, shall meet all the academic eligibility requirements as follows:

Keep at least a 2.0 average on a 4.0 grading scale for the preceding grading period. Each course in which the student is enrolled will be used in the calculations of the grade point average during the period of attendance. All incoming freshmen shall have first quarter as a probationary period to become eligible or ineligible.

Instruction AR 6145(b)


Enroll and maintain passing grades in at least four subjects in each grading period of which only one subject may be physical education.

Maintain minimum progress toward meeting the graduation requirements of the District, which is defined as passing a minimum of 20 credits, with a 2.0 average on a 4.0 grading scale, the previous grading period.

The grade point average used to determine eligibility shall be based on grades of the previous grading period.

The District schools will consider the following as report periods:

First Quarter

First Semester/2nd Quarter

Third Quarter

Second Semester/4th Quarter

Citizenship Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for participation in extra/cocurricular activities/interscholastic competition, each student shall maintain a positive record of citizenship. Students shall be ineligible for participation if they receive three or more unsatisfactory marks in citizenship during the previous grading period.

The principal will have the authority to remove a student who is representing his/her school from extra/cocurricular activities/interscholastic competition if, in the principal’s judgment, the student’s behavior (prior or present) is of a nature considered not conducive to representing his/her school. A student selected to represent the school/District must meet the school’s and the District’s expectations as a role model for others. In order to be eligible to represent one’s school, a student must:

Maintain a high regard for personal standards of courtesy, decency, clean language, appropriate dress, honesty, and wholesome relations with others.

Display respect for the rights of others, conduct him or herself in a manner which reflects a consideration for the rights and privileges of others, and cooperate with all members of the school community.

*Maintain regular and punctual school attendance.

Instruction AR 6145(c)


Attendance Eligibility Requirements

Students are eligible to represent the school in an afternoon or evening activity/competition only if they attend a minimum school day on the day of the activity/competition (240 minutes).

Suspended students are not eligible to represent the school while on suspension. Eligibility returns at the start of the school day on the first day following the suspension.

 Antelope Valley High School Athletic Participation Data 2023-2024
Fall Winter  Spring 
 Varsity5Varsity 15 Varsity 14
 Junior Varsity0Junior Varsity 12 Junior Varsity 11
   Freshman 9 Freshman N/A
 Varsity5Varsity 10 Varsity 6
 Junior Varsity0Junior Varsity 6    
   Freshman N/A    
 Varsity35Varsity 12 Varsity 18
 Junior Varsity25Junior Varsity 11 Junior Varsity N/A
 Varsity6Varsity 8 Varsity 4
   Junior Varsity 4 Junior Varsity 0
   Freshman N/A    
 Varsity11Varsity 17 Varsity 5
   Junior Varsity 9 Junior Varsity 0
 Varsity14Varsity 8 Varsity 6
 Junior Varsity10Junior Varsity 0 Junior Varsity 0
       TRACK BOYS 
       Varsity 16
       Junior Varsity 5
 MalesFemales   TRACK GIRLS 
Number of Students by gender:815717   Varsity 10
Number of Athletes:232156   Junior Varsity 2
Total Enrollment:  1532      
       Varsity 12
       Junior Varsity 6