- Electronic signaling devices, hereafter referred to as cell phones/devices, can be an important tool for communication between parents and their children, as well as for educational purposes. The Governing Board authorizes possession of cell phones/devices on school grounds during the school day and at after-school activities (BP 5131.05)
- Students are expected to use cell phones/devices in a responsible manner. Student use of cell phones/devices shall not be disruptive of the educational process nor shall such devices be permitted to deter, distract from or impede student learning, especially in respect to student punctuality or preparation for class work. Students may use cell phones/devices before school, during school, or after school and at school activities, unless prohibited, and at the direction of school personnel. Use of cell phones/devices to enhance learning in the classroom will be pursued when deemed appropriate at individual teacher discretion.
- A loss of cell phone privilege may be imposed on the first violation of the policy. Any violations thereafter may result in additional loss of cell phone privileges or be treated as provided in Education Code 48900(k) and 48915, as follows: Disruption of school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties may result in suspension.
- Antelope Valley High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Pocketknives, hunting knives, razor blades, letter openers, and other such dangerous objects are included under the prohibition against weapons listed in Discipline #7. Recommendation for expulsion and referral to the Sheriff’s Department may result.
- Students found in out-of-bounds areas or in parking lots will be issued Saturday School or OCD as per Discipline Policy. Students are allowed in the parking lots before and after school only.
- Students out of class without a pass will be taken to the On-Campus Detention room for the remainder of that period per Discipline Policy.
- Sheriff Deputy Liaison: A full-time Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff is stationed at each school in the AVUHSD. The Deputy works in conjunction with the security staff and has all powers granted to him/her by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The Deputy has the power of arrest for violations of all applicable criminal codes.
- Dress Code Violations: Please review the District dress and grooming policy. Violations are serious and consequences severe. Our goal is to prepare students for future employment and to provide a safe and secure campus. All staff will enforce all items.