
Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day AVUHSD staff, students, families, and community!

Today, April 22nd, we honor Annual Earth Day!

EARTHDAY.ORG, the largest advocate of the environmental movement, states:

“Join us to honor and celebrate our remarkable planet on this extraordinary day. Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.

Through various events, toolkits, and initiatives, we aim to raise awareness, inspire change, and foster a deeper connection with nature. Let’s unite in our efforts to protect the Earth today and for generations to come. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and create a more sustainable world.”

We can continuously become more informed on environmental issues and work together to create a positive contribution to our planet Earth!

To Learn More About Earth Day Click Here:

Earth Day 2024 | Activities & Resources for April 22

Happy International Pi Day AVUHSD staff, students, families, and community!

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