School Rules & Procedures
Board Policy 5131.05 states that, while students may possess cell phones on campus, in no instance shall use of a cell phone be disruptive of the educational process. The Antelope Valley Union High School District will not be responsible for the loss or theft of CD players, cell phones, pagers, mp3 players, iPods, iPads, cameras, flash drives, memory sticks, or any other type of electronic device.
Board Policy 5113, Absences and Excuses. Parents may clear absences by phone or note. There is a 3-day window from the date of the absence in which parents may clear absences. After the 3-day window, a doctor’s note will be required to clear absences. Students may opt to attend Saturday School for a minimum of four hours to clear an all-day absence that has not been cleared by a viable excuse. Students may attend Saturday School voluntarily up to five times per semester.
The Antelope Valley Union High School District recognizes its responsibility to ensure that students attend class regularly and on time, as attendance plays an important role in student achievement.
Tardiness is a failure to appear on time and is considered a form of absence. It is the student’s responsibility to be in the classroom and ready to work before the tardy bell rings. Such common problems as oversleeping and repeated occurrences of car trouble are unacceptable reasons for tardiness to school and are considered unexcused tardies/absences. Tardies are counted cumulatively and across classes.
Habitual tardiness is considered a form of truancy, and Education Code 48260 provides that legal action may be taken against a student and/or parent for truancy.
Failure to appear for a Saturday School will result in the assignment of one day In-House Suspension.
Disciplinary Procedure Philosophy – The Board of Education has the responsibility to see that an appropriate educational program is available to each student in our schools. Rules and regulations are established to ensure a proper climate in which students may pursue their studies. School personnel have been charged by the Board to carry out these rules in a friendly, firm and fair manner and to safeguard each student’s right to the finest education we can provide. The Board further feels that good discipline is a shared responsibility. Students, parents, teachers, and administrators all share in this endeavor and responsibility. At any time, students may be disciplined and/or counseled by teachers, administrators or other staff members regarding their behavior and/or referred to other authorities in special circumstances.
9th and 10th grade students who are behind in credits during the school year are required to make up core classes through Supplemental Instruction and may be placed on academic probation. For more information, please contact your school counselor or vice principal.
AVHS offers a wide variety of alternative programs to meet the needs of students who have severe health, academic, behavioral or attendance problems, are behind in credits, or pregnant. In addition, these non-traditional programs offer options that may better meet the needs of students or their families as they pursue a high school education. A school counselor or vice principal can assist you in pursuing these options.
The Antelope Valley Union High School District operates on a Zero Tolerance policy towards weapons, drugs, graffiti, hate crimes, and sexual harassment. Students who are involved in any of the above are subject to suspension or expulsion from school as per California Education Codes 48900 and 48915. If you would like a copy of this code, please call our security office. Copies of these violations are posted in each classroom. You can access the California Education Code on the internet at