Behavior Standards and Consequences
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which is conducive to learning. There will be different expectations for each class and from each teacher. Teachers will give each student entering their class a written list of expectations in the area of classroom behavior. Violations of these expectations will result in consequences through the SOS (Success Oriented Schools) system.
Students will avoid the infractions listed in the offense/penalties section of this document. Students choosing to violate these expectations face the listed consequences. Where there is non-compliance with consequences, the penalty will become progressively more severe. These penalties are within the guidelines set by Antelope Valley Union High School District Board policies and California Education Code. They are the recommendations of the Quartz Hill High School Discipline Policy Committee that is comprised of parents, students, and staff.
Education Code section 35291.5 institutes the authority under which these school rules and regulations are established: “It shall be the duty of each employee of the school to enforce the rules and procedures on school discipline adopted under this section.”
It is expected that all employees at Antelope Valley High School hold students accountable for their actions under the rules and regulations stated here. The faculty is expected to refer students to the appropriate administrator for any major infractions listed in this document. They are also expected to hold students accountable for their actions in the classroom for such infractions as tardiness, class disturbance, non-diligence, etc. These types of infractions are dealt with through the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS).
Administrators are expected to implement the supports and/or consequences as detailed for the infractions listed within this document. The Principal has the final responsibility for application of all school rules and is the person to whom any final appeals must be made.
Suspension: Removal of the student from the school setting for a period of 1-5 days during which time the student may be assigned to on-campus suspension or off-campus suspension. In the case of off-campus suspension, students are to remain under the supervision of a parent or guardian and may not be on any campus or at any school activities at any time for any reason. Section 48913 of the California State Educational Code states that the teacher of any class from which a pupil is suspended may require the suspended pupil to complete any assignment and tests missed during the suspension.
Involuntary Alternative Placement: Removal of student from Antelope Valley High School and placement in an alternative educational setting for a period up to the current semester and one additional semester.
Expulsion: Removal from all schools within the Antelope Valley Union High School District for a period up to the current semester and one additional semester. Only the Board of Trustees can levy this penalty.
Alternatives to suspension for less serious offenses include:
Student Support Center (SSC)/Reassignment: Removal of the student from the classroom environment to the SSC for individualized behavior and academic supports. This included time to continue work on current assignments, at-risk behavior assessment and counseling, grade and assignments review, and potential provision of additional supports such as guidance counseling, social/emotional support, and support with community resources.
Saturday School (SS): A four-hour period on Saturdays designed as an instructional program to make up school time assigned to students who have been truant from school for four or more periods. Students failing to complete Saturday School will be assigned one day of OCD. Students receive a copy of the Saturday School form with all necessary information. A telephone message will also be sent home.